Les Togolais ont relevé expresso un défi majeur sur le giron d'un pur amour Baza Baza-11 Octobre 2013

Millions of children living in poverty miss out on the chance for an education simply because the parents can’t pay for essential supplies that go hand-in-hand with learning. That’s why Baza Education creates “Catch Baza Star” — a program that inspires hope in underprivileged kids ( that could never have a chance to go to school) by providing them with the valuable school materials they so desperately need.
The education system in the least developed countries has suffered from many short falls such as: teacher shortages, too much cut of education budget, lower educational quality in rural areas, and high repetition of classes and dropout rates. In many rural areas or villages the public education is defective, so the parents have to gather money to pay the teacher so he/she can show up and teach. The parents who are poor are obliged to keep their children at home. Baza education is giving those kids a chance to be in a private school so they can get a better and quality education.
“Catch your own Baza Star” is a program that is encouraging our gracious donors to sponsor the education of an orphans, or abandoned or underprivileged kid that will never have a chance to go school. Catch that child that is nothing today and make him or her the star of tomorrow. That is what God is expecting from you , because you have been created to help others. “ Be a star maker by catching one”. You can make a difference!