
The Goal of the Project
The main goal for implementing the after school tutoring programs and the supplementary instructions is to alleviate student’s multi retention in the same class, loss of interest for going to school especially with the girls and students coming from poor family. For, in Togo’s education system, student can be retained in the same class at least for two (2) years. Therefore many children are left behind in the academic process.The education system is set up in way that student has to perform well in all subjects in order to pass an exam. Despite how good that seems to be, this system leads the students to these sad facts:

    • The students need to repeat their grade level more than three (3) to five (5) years

The students are discouraged to enroll in school.
Togo’s education system is no longer able to meet the expectations of the majority of the students and the teachers at any level.
Many students are retained in the same class for more than 3 to 5 years. It causes some student to drop out of school.
This situation affects obviously the parents who are wasting resources same as the government.
According to UNESCO IBE, World Data on Education Revised 11/2010 publication, it has shown and been true that:
The idea of giving a child another year to “catch-up” and develop needed skills sounds like a positive alternative. However, research shows that outcomes for kids who are retained generally are not positive.
In its 2003 “Position Statement on Student Grade Retention”, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) reports:
• Retention often is associated with increased behavior problems.
• Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child’s achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance).
• Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared to students who were never retained. In fact, grade retention is one of the most powerful predictors of high school dropout.
• Retained students are more likely to have poorer educational and employment outcomes during late adolescence and early adulthood”