Devenir un Baza volontaire

To be become a Baza Volonteer is free to anyone, enjoying their civil and moral rights, without distinction of race, sex or religion, or political conviction and adheres to our objectives. A Baza Volunteer is a person who offers his time freely to support Baza Education projects across the wolrd.
Specific tasks of a Baza Volonteer
• Participate in the planning and organization of activities in the project
• Provide help to Project antennas and Orphanages
• Participate in advocacy, fundraising and promotion of the project.
• Help write and send fundraising requests or reminders to existing and potential donors
• Identify and invite other volonteers and potential donors
• Donnate time or money to support the project
Specific responsabilities of Baza Volonteer
• Be Honest and worthy of trust in all circumstances
• Respect duties and find the way to accomplish theem in a professional manner
• Respect Commitments to participate in project activities
• Be Flexible
• Undertake any neccessary training as required by the corporation
How to participate?
Visit our website for ongoing projects.
Fill out the form below to register