Statistics Education Data about Togo

12 February 2015 Entry Filed under: Blogs -

“The Togolese Republic (Togo) is a country in West Africa bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. Our motto is “for local people, by local people”. A proactive and committed community as well as strong cooperation is what we expect to lie at the heart of Baza Education. Our task is to help the local communities fulfill their dream of disposing of a proper school.
Education Togo regards itself as the promoter of the community and the facilitator of the respective project. Therefore, Education Togo always strives to involve the local children, parents and teachers, as well as the community’s administrative institutions and influential personalities in every stage of Education”.
Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2008-2012*, male 86.9
Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2008-2012*, female 72.7
Number per 100 population 2012, mobile phones 56
Number per 100 population 2012, Internet users 4
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2012*, male 10.9
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2012*, female 11.1
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male 146.3
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female 132.6
Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male

Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female

Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male 90.7
Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female 86.7
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2008-2012*, admin. data 51.7
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2008-2012*, survey data 89.5
Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male

Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female

Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, male 51.4
Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2008-2012*, female
Source: UNICEF

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