
Alabama : Baza Education meeting / fund raising Dec 16

Alabama : Baza Education meeting / fund raising Dec 16 Baza Education project is set up by a group of young Togolese, residing in the USA, and are concerned by the state of education in Togo and want to bring supports to the youth of Togo. Our country’s education sys → Read More..

Continuer la lecture Ajouter un commentaire novembre 5th, 2014

Baza Education is fighting against Class repeat in Togo

The main goal for implementing the after school tutoring programs and the supplementary instructions is to alleviate student’s multi retention in the same class, loss of interest for going to school especially with the girls and students coming from poor family. For, in Togo’s education system, → Read More..

Continuer la lecture Ajouter un commentaire octobre 1st, 2014

Use $ 100 to Catch your own “Baza Star”

Use $ 100 to Catch your own “Baza Star” “Catch your own Baza Star” is a program that is encouraging our gracious donors to sponsor the education of an orphans, or abandoned or underprivileged kid that will never have a chance to go school. Catch that child that is nothing today and make him → Read More..

Continuer la lecture Ajouter un commentaire septembre 30th, 2014

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